Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Just a quick update.

So exam week has begun, I spent a good part of the last week studying hard. I had my first exam this morning and it was a bit challenging but I was glad I had studied for it. I definitely could've done better had I kept on top of my note making but hey lesson learnt for next semester.

Anyway, just found out I got 82% in an assignment I devastatingly handed in 3 days late. The teacher must have been nice and taken only 20% off instead of 30%. But either way i'm ecstatic about this result. I also have more photos from my study retreat last week but i'll upload them later.

As for now, I just watched this short film by Free People featuring Daisy Lowe and it's such a cheeky take on 'the girl nextdoor'.
I totally love the carefree looks and how cute the characters are.

Hope you are all having a stellar week.

j. xo

Monday, June 3, 2013

Gooood mornin'

So i've arrived in Bilgola for my 'quiet' study week. I'm at the very top at what seems like the tallest hill around here and there are trees in every direction. (No where to run.)
The little cottage i'm staying in is so cute. It was love pretty much as soon as I walked in.
But it feels like i'm miles away from home up here and I'm feeling slightly uneasy about that but I think after another night here, i'll get used to it.

It started to get dark shortly after I arrived so the photos aren't the best.

Anyway, I'd best hop to things.
Have a good day guys.


Sunday, June 2, 2013

Hello again.

So, I'm back again after a very long time.
Honestly, I really wanted to start another blog but I just can't think of a good name, so here is where i'll stay until I find a good name to make the move with.

To give you an update of my life at the moment:

  • I'm working part time.
  • I've just started studying nutritional medicine full/part time.
  • I've also started learning Spanish.
  • Finally going overseas after 5 long years! In a month and a week.
I'll probably have more to talk about after I go away as I pretty much spend my spare time at the moment studying, catching up with friends (usually at parties) and shopping.

j. xx
Stay cool kids.

p.s. i'm going away to have lonely study week near 'Summer Bay', if the weather is good i'll go for walks around the area, take photos and post them up here.